BASA Drop-in Clinic - Supply Chain Sustainability School

07 June 2024

At 10:00 BST on Friday 07 June we will be holding our FREE 30 minute Members open invitation drop-in clinic. This week will be joined by Rick Dunn, Business Development Manager at the Supply Chain Sustainability School.

The Supply Chain Sustainability School is a free virtual learning platform around sustainability, with the aim to upskill those working within, or aspiring to work within, the built environment sector.

The School is funded by our Partners who are interested in building the skills of their workforce and supply chain. Currently, we have over+225 Partners ranging from 19 of the top 20 contractors, the top 10 housebuilders, suppliers, and manufacturers.

Our learning covers the three core pillars of Sustainability – environmental, social and economic – looking at key issues ranging from carbon management through to combatting modern slavery. We also offer training on key topics that will enable the industry to be more sustainable, including:

  • Digital
  • Fairness, Inclusion & Respect
  • Operational Excellence through Lean Thinking
  • Management
  • Offsite
  • People
  • Procurement
  • Retrofit

Membership is free and signing up is easy. Membership gives access to hundreds of engaging learning resources and CPD-accredited content. We also run around +300 events per year ranging from in-depth workshop to 1 hour Lunch ‘n’ Learn webinars. I recommend checking out our Resource page for more information.

We have recently launched the School in the Republic of Ireland offering content that is specific to Irish/EU market: Supply Chain Sustainability School - Ireland


Pre-registration is not required.

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 315 234 181 377

Passcode: qQvvaN

Please note that this is the new link for Q2 2024


The drop-in clinic area on the website is an archive for past drop-in clinics allowing the recordings to be replayed if you have missed the session.