URGENT - Public consultation on the UK Global Tariff

18 February 2020

We are approaching half way through the consultation period now, so BASA have been asked to send a reminder to members that they only have two weeks left to get their views across. BEIS are happy to talk about any of the issues raised and to answer questions, as I know this is a rather abstract-seeming issue for many businesses.

Please be advised that this PDF version is for information only. All responses to the Public Consultation should be completed on Gov.UK. 

Please be advised that this PDF version does not include some of the digital tools included in the Public Consultation on the UK Global Tariff on Gov.UK. 

Ryan Diggory
Senior Policy Advisor- International Trade
Infrastructure and Materials
T: +44 (0)207 215 1192 M: +44 (0)7880 270 125
1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET
www.gov.uk/beis | https://twitter.com/beisgovuk

Written by: Lorna Wiliams

Copyright: BEIS